This page is offered as a public service for anyone desiring the services of a Christian Science practitioner, teacher or nurse. If you do not know what a practitioner is, please read the article elsewhere on our site, "What is a Christian Science Practitioner?" A Christian Science practitioner, teacher or nurse in your specific area may also be located by looking in a recent issue of The Christian Science Journal, or you may elect to use the services of a practitioner, nurse or teacher from a list we can provide you.
Any qualified individual offering services here agrees to the following statement: "I practice Christian Science in accord with the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy, as contained in her textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, and her other authentic writings."
If you are a Christian Science practitioner, nurse or teacher and would like to be included on our list of individuals offering services to the public, or, if you would like to have a link to your site, in the above capacity, please email us. The cost is currently $25 for the initial listing, effective July 1, 2008 or one ounce of .999 fine silver. Commencing January 1, 2009 there will be an annual fee of $20. Your initial listing includes your first year's annual fee. Also, your initial listing will include one change/modification within the first 30 days, free. After that, any changes are $10 per change. Should one remove their listing and then reinstate it at a later date, it will be treated as a new listing, and a new listing fee will apply. Please email us through the link above and provide us with any/all appropriate information (name, postal address, phone number, cell number, fax number, Skype name, IM name, email address, website, summer residence if different from postal address as well as the dates you are at that location, any additional languages spoken, etc.). Payment to Healing Unlimited may be made by check (PO Box 5271, Carmel, CA 93921), credit card (just call us at 208.255.2407 to provide your card information) or by Paypal (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or simply click the Paypal link below). A lifetime listing will be provided to anyone wishing to pay one troy ounce of .999 gold, or an equivalent number of ounces in .999 fine silver. If you elect to take this option you will receive your choice of any one book free from our website every year with payment of shipping only.
Healing Unlimited is happy to provide an impartial list of practitioners, teachers and nurses to those inquirers in need of such service. Upon receipt of your name, address and phone number, we will email you the list. You may fill out the form below and send it to us. We will email the list back to you. Healing Unlimited does not guarantee or warrant any of the services of those listed or linked to this site. Under no circumstances will Healing Unlimited be liable for the the practice, services, results, or lack of results from any practitioner, teacher or nurse listed on our site or offered through this free listing.The specific individual listed or linked should be contacted directly regarding their services and fees.