Hear the words of our Master: "Go ye into all the world"! "Heal the sick, cast out devils"! Christian Scientists, perhaps more than any other religious sect, are obeying these commands; and the injunctions are not confined to Jesus' students in that age, but they extend to this age,--to as many as shall believe on him. The demand and example of Jesus were not from beneath. Are frozen dogmas, persistent persecution, and the doctrine of eternal damnation, from above? Are the dews of divine Truth, falling on the sick and sinner, to heal them, from beneath? "By their fruits ye shall know them."
Reading my books, without prejudice, would convince all that their purpose is right. The comprehension of my teachings would enable any one to prove these books to be filled with blessings for the whole human family. Fatiguing Bible translations and voluminous commentaries are employed to explain and prop old creeds, and they have the civil and religious arms in their defense; then why should not these be equally extended to support the Christianity that heals the sick? The notions of personality to be found in creeds are far more mystic than Mind-healing. It is no easy matter to believe there are three persons in one person, and that one person is cast out of another person. These conceptions of Deity and devil presuppose an impotent God and an incredible Satan. MBE