Comment sent to the author (Peter Zwick) on"CSLessons"
"...I found your new CSLESSON program this morning, downloaded it, and have been trying it out off and on most of the day. Thank you so much for this fine and very useful application. I intend to use it regularly. I tried out many of its features. I particularly like the way I can make a little booklet after printing out in landscape mode. This will probably become my favorite way of printing. ...This is a beautiful application and I am grateful to you for it. ...I have always loved programs that allow the user to edit his own reference files such as INI files. In your case you have given us a program that allows us to quickly create and edit the lesson CIT (citation) file if he wants to. I love it! ..As far as Windows 3.x goes, I think you will have a masterpiece that will be used for a long time...." R.P.
"This is so fantastic! I have been wanting something like this forever! ...I have some of the old Bible lessons (before 1910) from [the Bookmark] and didn't have enough markers for many of them, so now I can print them out. This is really a blessing. I emailed Peter and thanked him.... By the way, both MBE Institute and Healing Unlimited sites are absolutely marvelous. I am visiting a lot more often and am so grateful for all the info on both sites. You are really doing a super job.... Thank you!!! Much love," A. N-S.