How would you define Christian Science? | What is the Principle of Christian Science? | Do you mean by this that God is a person? | Is healing the sick the whole of Science? | By the individuality of God, do you mean that God has a finite form? | Is God the Principle of all science, or only of Divine or Christian Science? | Is there no matter? | The sweet sounds and glories of earth and sky, assuming manifold forms and colors,--are they not tangible and material? | Is not the basis of Mind-healing a destruction of the evidence of the material senses, and restoration of the true evidence of spiritual sense? | Is man material or spiritual? | How should I undertake to demonstrate Christian Science in healing the sick? | What are the means and methods of trustworthy Christian Scientists? | Is there more than one school of scientific healing? | Is Christian Science of the same lineage as Spiritualism or Theosophy? | Is Christian Science from beneath, and not from above? | Is Christian Science pantheistic? | Is Christian Science blasphemous? | Is there a personal deity? | Is there a personal devil? | Is man a person? | Has man a soul? | Is sin forgiven? | Is there any such thing as sin? | Is there no sacrificial atonement? | Is there no intercessory prayer? | Should Christian beware of Christian Science?