I am very grateful for a lifetime of healing through Christian Science, and one incident in particular stands out above the rest.
It happened in the late 1970's, when I was going to college in Wyoming.
During the summer, between semesters, I was painting homes with a friend to earn some money. We had started a job painting the interior of a business that had 13-foot ceilings and required scaffolding in order to reach everything.
At one point the scaffolding collapsed, and I fell head first onto the hardwood floor below. While I was not knocked unconscious, I suffered a severe concussion to a point where I was not aware of my surroundings or what was taking place. I also suffered a large gash above my eye and was bleeding profusely. My painting partner walked me to his car and drove me to the hospital, events I do not remember.
After I got to the hospital, from what I understand, as I do not remember what took place, they stitched the cut over my eye without anesthesia right there after I came in, because I was in a state where I could not feel it. At one point I came to long enough to ask them to call my mother, who was in Massachusetts, and then I was taken to intensive care.
My mother immediately called a Christian Science Practitioner, who began doing prayerful work for me. An hour after the practitioner began his work I became aware of my surroundings, and I completely came out of the concussion and was healed of that in just a few hours.
The hospital kept me for three days, concerned about the effects of such a fall and injury. There are clinics devoted to head injuries, and common concerns are paralysis or brain damage. I was healed, though, within a few hours and could have left the hospital that night. I have never experienced any side effects since this accident.
I am very grateful for the practitioner help on this case and for Christian Science, as taught and given to us by Mary Baker Eddy, which teaches us that God is All in All, and we never are apart from his care. I am also grateful for my painting partner who came to my aid and has been a good friend in times of need.
Randy Richter, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.