Pregnant with my second child, I was is a state of panic. My first pregnancy had not been unpleasant but the delivery had been an horrific experience and one I did not wish to repeat. The search for a doctor to terminate this pregnancy took us far afield from our home state, for this was at that time an illegal operation. Our search brought my husband and me to a dark, dank, nasty office where I met a strange older doctor who was willing to perform the necessary operation. Fortunately, he he scared me more than the pregnancy. At the absolutely bitter end of my rope I begged my husband to find a Christian Science Church.
I can not express to you the overwhelming sense of Love that enveloped me as we settled down for the service. During the first hymn, I heard an inner voice that simply said, IT''S ALL RIGHT. Sweet tears of relief flooded my face and what followed truly was the Peace that passeth understanding. I remember seeing the startled look of disbelief on my husband's face as he looked over at me. (He was an antheist.) I don't remember anything else from that service, except the inner knowning, the wonderous peace and the unconditional love that I felt for the entire world. This blessed awareness of God's Love stayed with me for several hours. The healing though, as all truely spiritual healing is, has been permanent, and not only blessed me then, with a complication free and medical- intervenion free delivery; but protected my child and me during the twenty years that we were separated. You see a divorce 3 years later resulted in the kidnapping by the father of that child. The deep and abiding peace that I had that day in church, and the inner knowing that 'What God has put together CANNOT be rent asunder" sustained me during that 20 years.
Yes, we have found each other again and we have a most joyous and loving relationship. The way that God orchestrated our reunion was by a most miracluous and circuitous route that overcame the human obstacles of name changes, lies, and other deceptions. It was a wonderous route that only the infinite wisdom of God's Omniscience could have divised.
I am most grateful for Mrs. Eddy, for Christian Science and for the unselfish and untiring work of Christian Science practitioners and for this proof of God's Love.
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