Healing Unlimited has 50+ listings of items on eBay from the inventory acquired from Rare Book Company and our inventory. You can view these items under the search terms "Christian Science" or "Mary Baker Eddy". Our listings all start with 2-3 asterisks and a bracket (**[...) followed by the item name. Another way to see just our listings is to click on the word "Community" on eBay's page (in the upper right). Once you are on the Community page you will see in the upper LEFT a place to enter an eBay user ID. Our user ID is "headude". Enter that in and put in the security code on the next page following and you will see our name followed by a link to view our listings. There you go! By the way, if you purchase multiple items on eBay, BEFORE you pay, let us send you a revised invoice so that you get a reduced shipping cost. We will save you money on your shipping. Also, if you don't have an eBay or Paypal account and don't want to buy the item you see on eBay, just call us at 800.962.1464 and we will happily sell you the same items directly or now from our newly revised website (10/12).