The legal department of the Mother Church continues their efforts at intimidation and trying to draw independent outlets (such as The Bookmark, Rare Book Cmpany, Aequus Institute, Emma Publishing and Healing Unlimited) into court in order to waste their time and money. The issue of course, centers around the "unpublished" accounts of Mary Baker Eddy and the inspired history of Christian Science and its Founder. These accounts have been available for well over 30 years (some for over 50 years), yet the church is seeking to put them back under copyright protection even though they have been in the public domain for decades. We do not yet have the correspondence between Healing Unlimited and the church available online. Inquire if interested.
If you haven't stopped by our testimony page lately you will want to read some of the truly inspiring demonstrations of this precious Science given us by Mary Baker Eddy. Just CLICK HERE.
Over several years we have had individuals share hundreds of inspiring stories or jokes with us. We thought it would be nice to share some of these with you. We have selected what we feel represents the best of what others have shared with us. We look forward to hearing from YOU! Tell us about a story that made your day and we will post it on our site. To view these stories or submit one of your own just visit our new Inspiring Stories page.
The following items have been reisntated on our website after determination that the legal department of the Mother church has not proven they have the rights they claim in the material that has been circulated for over 30 years: Collectanea By and About Mary Baker Eddy, Wonderful Lesson, Man and Woman, and, Catholicism, Protestantism and Christian Science.
At one time Mary Baker Eddy told a faithful worker in her home that if she were to ever leave Pleasant View it would be that she was to be delivered up to her enemies. Have you wondered why the church burned Mrs. Eddy's beloved Pleasant View? Why was her cherished home destroyed and the property sold to house an insane asylum? Mrs. Anderson has researched many original documents and newspaper articles to shed light on this tragic betrayal by many in positions of trust in her church. Read this informative account. Click the title above to go to our Pulications page.
Paul Condylis, well-known radio and TV personality, has provided a wonderful Reader's Guide for Christian Scientists. Please visit our Publications page to order this helpful booklet for all those who wish to improve their speaking and reading skills. Just CLICK HERE to go to our online store.