Helen Wright has shared a proper sense of Mary Baker Eddy with the Christian Science field for over 20 years. You can now order any of her books from our site. Her latest book is a well-received volume on the "system" of Christian Science, pioneered by John Doorly and Max Kappeler.
Healing Unlimited is very pleased to offer a complete selection of Joel Goldsmith's writings. Read the (abridged) fascinating biography of this remarkable Christian Scientist and his awe-inspiring demonstration of Christian Science. Order any of his books from our new page.
Don't miss these wonderful reminiscences of Mary Baker Eddy by Adelaide Still, a worker in Mrs. Eddy's home. They will certainly give you a precious insight to living and working in our Leader's home at Pleasant View.
Yes, I know, this sounds like some liberal pitch. Really though, we all love trees and our environment. Here is a practical way to help stop and reverse the eradication of the rainforests. By visiting the following site and clicking on "Save the Rain Forests" button, the sponsors of the site will make a contribution to this effort. You can "click n'save" once a day. Visit each day until August 1st. Click below: http://rainforest.care2.com/welcome?w=747679365
Spanning the years from 1950 to 1964 Joel Goldsmith recorded virtually all of his classes given across the globe. These classes were the basis for many of the books now available. Healing Unlimited is pleased to make available these recordings. While we don't yet have the audiotapes listed online, we do have a printed catalog. Please email us or phone us at (800) 962-1464 to have a catalog sent to you.
Tha above link is where you can go to check the progress of the suit concerning the deeds of trust and the Manual.
The following items are currently unavailable due to demand by the General Counsel of The Mother Church.
Collectanea By and About Mary Baker Eddy, Mary Baker Eddy: Her Spiritual Footsteps, To Honest Seekers for Truth, Wonderful Lesson, Man and Woman, and, Catholicism, Protestantism and Christian Science.