Mother in Israel is the book that shows in specific Bible lessons of 1898 and 1910 just who Mary Baker Eddy is! Filled with some wonderful pictures of the stained-glass windows of the Mother Church.
At the top of the "Resources & Item of Interest" page there is a whole new section titled Questions and Answers by Mary Baker Eddy that brings to the front pertinent topics of interest for the uninitiated in Christian Science, as well as the student, from Mrs. Eddy's published writings. Ways That Are Vain is a wonderful article from Miscellany by Mary Baker Eddy.
Christian Science Index Worldwide is a new site on the web that offers links to many Christian Science sites on the Internet. Visit them, and if you know of anyone that would like to be posted to this impartial listing let them know. They are located at:
Myrtle Smyth is loved the world over for her inspiring, motherly, healing talks on Christian Science. You can order your set of Myrtle's tapes today--just click here to go to the order page and to see the available topics.
Mrs. Eddy by Hugh Studdert-Kennedy is perhaps one of the most impartial biographies ever done on the life of Mary Baker Eddy. Promised for years by the church, this biography has been kept from the field for decades. Through a special grant from Aequus Institute Healing Unlimited is pleased to be able to provide for our audience your own free copy of this remarkable biography, with any order of $10 or more. (This free offer expired 9/30/01.)